EMG Manual is a simple step-by-step approach to
the basic understanding of EMG and Nerve Conductions
studies. It is designed to familiarize the reader
with the basic aspects of nerve conduction studies
and needle examinations and can serve as a guide
to the test, a preparation for the EMG rotation,
or as a simple means for better understanding of
the indications, preparations, interpretation and
performance of EMG Nerve and Conduction studies
EMG Manual is a simple step-by-step approach to the basic
understanding of EMG and Nerve Conductions studies. It
is designed to familiarize the reader with the basic aspects
of nerve conduction studies and needle examinations and
can serve as a guide to the test, a preparation for the
EMG rotation, or as a simple means for better understanding
of the indications, preparations, interpretation and performance
of EMG Nerve and Conduction studies.