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The EMG Manual is a simple step-by-step approach to the basic understanding of EMG and Nerve Conductions studies. It is designed to familiarize the reader with the basic aspects of nerve conduction studies and needle examinations and can serve as a guide to the test, a preparation for the EMG rotation, or as a simple means for better understanding of the indications, preparations, interpretation and performance of EMG Nerve and Conduction studies
  Peroneal Nerve
Place the recording electrode over the Extensor Digitorum Brevis (EDB) muscle, over the lateral aspect of the dorsum of the foot, located by asking the subject to wiggle their toes. Place the reference electrode over the base of the little toe.

Stimulate the nerve distally at the ankle, lateral to the anterior tibial tendon; stimulate it proximally in the lateral popliteal space.

In the work-up of a peroneal neuropathy, stimulation below the fibular head should be done to rule out lesions at tat level. When an absent or a low response is evoked on stimulation of the peroneal nerve at the ankle (smaller than the response obtained from proximal stimulation), stimulate the area behind the lateral malleolus to pick up a variant in the innervation of the extensor digitorum brevis by way of the accessory peroneal nerve. If stimulation of either site does not give a response, then study of the anterior tibial muscle may give information of peroneal nerve function.

Peroneal Entrapment, Compression or Injury Sites

The peroneal nerve is most frequently involved, by pressure or injury, at the fibular head, causing the classical foot drop; as part of a sciatic nerve injury; or at the ankle in the anterior tarsal tunnel (deep branch).

Electronic EMG Manual®
Peripheral Nerves Anatomy
General Muscles Anatomy
Nerve Conduction Set-Ups
Needle EMG Anatomy Atlas
Patient Education Series (FAQ)
Nerve Entrapment Guide
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 This page was last updated on Sunday, March 04, 2012
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